Overview Assignment Implement Class Called Piggybank Used Represent Collection Coins Funct Q37228521


In this assignment, implement a class called PiggyBank that willbe used to represent a collection of coins. Functionality will beadded to the class so that coins can be added to the bank andoutput operations can be performed. A driver program is provided totest the methods.

class PiggyBank

The PiggyBank class definition and symbolic constants should beplaced at the top of the driver program source code file while themethod implementation should be done after the closing curly bracefor main().

class PiggyBank{public:PiggyBank();PiggyBank( int, int, int, int );void printPiggyBank();void printPiggyBankValue();void emptyTheBank();void addCoins( int, int, int, int );void addPennies( int );void addNickels( int );void addDimes( int );void


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