P1610add Method Boolean Contains Object Obj Checks Whether Linkedlist Implementation Conta Q37169181

•• P16.10Add a method boolean contains(Object obj) that checkswhether our LinkedList implementation contains a given object.Implement this method by directly traversing the links, not byusing an iterator.

need Test Program

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class LinkedList


private Node first;

public LinkedList()


first = null;


public Object getFirst()


if (first == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); }

return first.data;


public Object removeFirst()


if (first == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); }

Object element = first.data;

first = first.next;

return element;


public void addFirst(Object element)


Node newNode = new Node();

newNode.data = element;

newNode.next = first;

first = newNode;


public ListIterator listIterator()


return new LinkedListIterator();


class Node


public Object data;

public Node next;


class LinkedListIterator implements ListIterator


private Node position;

private Node previous;

private boolean isAfterNext;

public LinkedListIterator()


position = null;

previous = null;



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