Part 1 Concept Understanding Short Answer 15 Points Write First Line Calico Class Inherits Q37234417

Part 1,Concept Understanding — Short Answer (1.5points)

  1. Write the first line of a Calico class thatinherits from the Cat class.
  1. explain (in your own words) the differences between a protectedclass member and a private class member in terms of its visibilityand inheritance?

  1. When does dynamic binding happen?

This lab consists ofthe following files:

  1. (driver)
  2. (super class)
  3. (subclass of HospitalEmployee)
  4. (subclass of HospitalEmployee)


public class Doctorextends HospitalEmployee
protected String specialty;
protected String insurer;
protected double salary;

public Doctor (String name, String SSN, int dep, String special,String ins)
super (name, SSN, dep);
specialty = special;
insurer = ins;
salary = 2345.67;
* specific to each


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