Perform Following Conversion 1 Covert 6545 10 Binary 2 Convert 1001110000011 2 Decimal 3 C Q37251348

Perform the following conversion:

1. Covert (65.45)10 to binary.

2. Convert (100111000.0011) 2 to decimal.

3. Convert (78)10 to hexadecimal.

4. Convert (33.3)10 to IEEE754 floating point formatin hexadecimal format


onvert (65.45 o = 65, 45 nar 65+ 0. 45 2 165 232- I 0.45x2 0.q 062212 0-2 20.4 22-Ö 00 600 I 0-12 0.40 0-3 x2161 :C1000 001.o1 (H-to heta decimal bupre sentation d A-lo B-11 D -13 -14 1나 4 E in herade 4) (33.3) to EEE54laltor poînt -foimat in hexadec

onvert (65.45 o = 65, 45 nar 65+ 0. 45 2 165 232-


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