- Player.java, BaseballPlayer.java, SoccerPlayer.java,MonopolyPlayer.java, DemoPlayers.java
- Player: an abstract class
- Private data: player’s name
- Abstract method called “play”
- Gets and sets for player’s name
- BaseballPlayer:
- Inherits from Player
- Overrides play method, displaying “Baseball, where the objectof the game is to score the most home runs” to screen
- SoccerPlayer:
- Inherits from Player
- Overrides play method, displaying “Soccer, where the object ofthe game is to score the most goals” to screen
- MonopolyPlayer:
- Inherits from Player
- Overrides play method, displaying “Monopoly, where the objectof the game is to become the wealthiest player” to screen
- DemoPlayers:
- Instantiate all three types of players
- Set the player’s name (prompt user for keyboard input)
- Utilizes methods