Please Java Assignment 101 95 Points Wordcruncher Class Write Java Code Class Wordcruncher Q37222544


Assignment 10.1 [95 points]

The WordCruncher class

Write the Java code for the class WordCruncher. Include thefollowing members:

  • A default constructor that sets the instance variable ‘word’ tothe string “default”.
  • A parameterized constructor that accepts one String object as aparameter and stores it in the instance variable. The String mustconsist only of letters: no whitespace, digits, or punctuation. Ifthe String parameter does not consist only of letters, set theinstance variable to “default” instead. (This restriction will makeyour work on some of the following methods much easier.)
  • A method String toString() that returns the instancevariable.
  • A method int numLetters() that returns the number

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