Please use a computer programming language (Matlab, C++, Java,etc) to implement a neural network multilayer perceptron(threelayers: one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer)with back propagation algorithm. Please test your code with the8-3-8 modeling example. C++/Matlab preferred.
8-3-8 example:
A network Learned hidden layer representation: Hidden Values 10000000.89 .04 .0810000000 01000000.01 1188 01000000 00100000.01 .97 .27 00100000 00010000 → .99 .97 .71 → 00010000 00001000.03 .05 .02 00001000 0000010022 .99 .99 00000100 00000010 → .80 .01 .98 → 00000010 00000001.60 .94 .0100000001