Prepare Execute Queries Listed Using Adventureworks2012 Database Sql Server 23 Select Prod Q37223868

Prepare and execute each of the queries listed using the”Adventureworks2012″ database in SQL Server.

23. Select Product ID, name, and size of all products with asize of S, M, or L sort the results by name.(Production.Product)(31 rows)

24. Select Sales Order ID, order date, subtotal, and total for allorders with a total amount due between 5000 dollars
and 9,999.99 sort the results by order date.(Sales.SalesOrderHeader)(393 rows)


23). SELECT Product_Id, name, size FROM product WHERE size in(‘S’, ‘M’, ‘L’) ORDER BY name

24). SELECT order_id, order_date, subtotal, total FROMsalesorderheader WHERE total BETWEEN 5000 AND 9999.99 ORDER BYorder_Date;

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