Problem 7 Exercise 723 Mmds Book Construct Cluster Tree Example Point Set Figure 4 Choose Q37289107

Problem 7 (Exercise 7.2.3 MMDS Book): Construct the cluster tree of the example point set in Figure 4 if we choose to merge t(7,10) (4,10) (6.8) (4,8) (12.6) (10.5) (114) (3,4) (9.3) (12.3) (2.2) (5.2) Figure 4: An example point set for Problem 6 and

Problem 7 (Exercise 7.2.3 MMDS Book): Construct the cluster tree of the example point set in Figure 4 if we choose to merge the two clusters whose resulting cluster has the smallest diameter. The diameter of a cluster X is: Diam(X)max d(r, y) (7,10) (4,10) (6.8) (4,8) (12.6)


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