Problem Address Save File Input New Address Exit Include Include Include Include Using Nam Q37247948

i have problem where the address is not save to my file after iinput a new address and exit it

using namespace std;

typedef struct date {
   int day;
   int month;
   int year;

typedef struct add {
   string building;
   string street;
   string city;
   string state;
   string zip;

typedef struct entry {
   string firstName;
   string lastName;
   Address address;
   string phNo;
   Date birthDate;
   struct entry* next;

class AddressBook {
   AddressEntry * getFirst();
   void addEntry(AddressEntry *entry);
   void print(AddressEntry *entry);
   void search(int);
   bool deleteentry(int);
   void writeToFile();
   AddressEntry * firstEntry;
AddressBook::AddressBook() {
   firstEntry = nullptr;

int newEntry(AddressBook *book);
int loadData(AddressBook *book);

int main() {
   AddressBook *aBook = new AddressBook;
   int noOfEnties = loadData(aBook);


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