Program Lists First Last Names Hourly Wage Sales Employees Modify Multiplies Sales Person Q37194941

This program lists the first and last names and hourly wage ofall sales employees.
       Modify this so that it multiplieseach sales person’s hourly wage by 1.05 and then displays theresult in a paragraph as follows:
       “XXX YYY’s hourly wage would become$Z.ZZ.”
       where XXX is the employee’s firstname, YYY is the employee’s last name, and $Z.ZZ is the new wageamount.

   <title>Modify 4</title>
   <link rel =”stylesheet” type=”text/css”href=”sample.css”>
   <h1>Modify 4 </h1>

$server = “localhost”;
$user = “wbip”;
$pw = “wbip123”;
$db = “test”;

$connect=mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pw, $db);

if( !$connect)
   die(“ERROR: Cannot connect to database $db on server$server
   using user name $user (“.mysqli_connect_errno().
   “, “.mysqli_connect_error().”)”);
   $userQuery =


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