Programming Language Java Pick Problem Topic Comprise Mini System Interacts Users Shopping Q37245804

Programming Language is Java

Pick your own problem. Topic should comprise of mini system thatinteracts with users.

  • Shopping Cart (add item departments, Multiple Shipping address,Multiple Shipping Methods
  1. Show your requirements as high-level flowcharts (15points)
  2. Create UML document to represent your idea. you can alsoinclude word file or pdf to explain what you are trying to do insimple words. (15 points)
  3. Inheritance (20 points)
    1. 2 level hierarchy using subclass, superclass concepts like,person, employee, manager
  4. Interface (10 points)
    1. At least one interface that can be extended later like
  5. Polymorphism (20 points)
    1. Method overloading
    2. Method overriding
    3. Constructor overloading
    4. Constructor overriding
  6. Object oriented programming concepts (30 points)
    1. Proper testing methods
    2. Use of Static methods
    3. Use of Array/ArrayList
    4. Use of Loops
    5. Data Validations
    6. Try/Catch Block

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