Programming Language is Java
Pick your own problem. Topic should comprise of mini system thatinteracts with users.
- Shopping Cart (add item departments, Multiple Shipping address,Multiple Shipping Methods
- Show your requirements as high-level flowcharts (15points)
- Create UML document to represent your idea. you can alsoinclude word file or pdf to explain what you are trying to do insimple words. (15 points)
- Inheritance (20 points)
- 2 level hierarchy using subclass, superclass concepts like,person, employee, manager
- Interface (10 points)
- At least one interface that can be extended later like
- Polymorphism (20 points)
- Method overloading
- Method overriding
- Constructor overloading
- Constructor overriding
- Object oriented programming concepts (30 points)
- Proper testing methods
- Use of Static methods
- Use of Array/ArrayList
- Use of Loops
- Data Validations
- Try/Catch Block