Project 1 Took Far Longer Could Imagined Completely Lost Project 2 Import Javautilarrays P Q37168626

avauti1.Arrays class Lexer t private String text peivave int pos private char curChar private int curlire pzivaze ins cucharpprivate Token iDorWord returnValue + this.curChar pzogzess0 if (Arrays.aslist(this.reservedWords).contains (returnWalue)) f eProgram begin Body end BodyDeclarations Statements Declarations Declaration { Declaration } Declaration ( bool l -int ) Id

Project 1 took me far longer than I could have imagined and I amcompletely lost on Project 2!

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Lexer {
   private String text;
   private int pos;
   private char curChar;
   private int curLine;
   private int curCharpos;
   private String[] reservedWords;
   private String[]


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