Project Cen 4010 Spring 2019 Home Security System Owner One Story House Following Floor Pl Q37035222

Project CEN 4010 Spring 2019

Home Security System

The owner of a one story house with the following floor plan isrequesting XYZ Security Company to develop a complete home securitysystem.

Double Garage
Bedroom #2
Bedroom #1
Master Bath
Master Bedroom
Living/Family Room

This Security System should provide the following minimumprotection and services:

1) Physical security

2) Fire

3) Smoke

4) Direct Police Call

5) Direct Ambulance Call

You need to add at least one extra feature to enhance the requestedsystem.

Turn In:

1) Use the format that is posted in Falcon On-line (D2L)

2) Analysis and design documents

a. Context Diagram

b. Data Flow Diagram

c. Data Dictionary

d. Process Specification

e. Structure chart

f. Module specification

3) Program your design in any programming language


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