Python 3 1 Implement Class Date Supports Methods Int Constructor Takes Arguments Initializ Q37080385

Python 3+

1.) Implement a class Date that supports themethods:

a) __int__(): Constructor that takes no arguments andinitializes the date in the Date object to the current date.

b) display(): Takes a format argument and displays the date inthe requested format.

Use function localtime() from the Standard Library module timeto obtain the current date. The format argument is a string.

  • ‘MDY’ : MM/DD/YY (04/09/19)
  • ‘MDYY ‘ : MM/DD/YYYY (04/09/2019
  • ‘DMY’ : DD/MM/YY (09/04/19)
  • ‘DMYY’ : DD/MM/YYYY (09/04/2019)
  • ‘MODY’ : Mon DD, YYYY (April 9, 2019)

Use methods localtime() and strftime() from the Standard Librarymodule time.

>>> x = Date()

>>> x.display(‘MDY’)


>>> x.display(‘MDYY’)


>>> x.display(‘MODY’)

‘Apr 09, 2019’

>>> x.display(‘DMYY’)




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