Implement the function isCow(lst) that has aparameter that is a list where each item in the list is a listcontaining two items: the name of the farm animal and thespecies.
a) prints the name of each animal that is not a “cow” along withthe correct species.
b) at the end, print a list of the names of each cow on oneline.
Make certain to format the output as specified in theexample.
>>> lst = [[‘Daisy’, ‘cow’], [‘Rhaegal’, ‘dragon’],[‘Flicka’, ‘horse’], [‘Pauline Wayne’, ‘cow’], [‘Charlene Mooken’,’cow’], [‘Shaun’, ‘sheep’]]
>>> isCow(lst)
Rhaegal is a dragon.
Flicka is a horse.
Shaun is a sheep.
There are 3 cows on the farm.
The names