Q3 Show L Context Free B Show Lk Context Free C Show L L Context Free Q37251256

Q3 A. Show that L is context-free. B. Show that Lk is context-free. C. Show that L and L are context-free.

Q3 A. Show that L is context-free. B. Show that Lk is context-free. C. Show that L and L are context-free. Show transcribed image text Q3 A. Show that L is context-free. B. Show that Lk is context-free. C. Show that L and L are context-free.



  • Context Free Grammar for L

S -> aSb | epsilon

  • Context Free Grammar for A

S -> aSb | A
A -> aAb | epsilon

  • Context Free Grammar for B

S -> aSb | A


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