Query 2 6 Display Realtor Staff Number Name Annual Salary Annual Salary Monthly Salary Mon Q37245916

Query 2-6

Display realtor staff number, name, annual salary as AnnualSalary, monthly salary as Monthly Salary, and age as Age. Roundmonthly salary to 2 decimal places. Round age to years. Sort outputby staff age descending. If there is no birthdate on the record,then list the age as “Unknown”

ST_SST_NAME                                 Annual Salary Monthly Salary Age   

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Query 2-7

For each branch, list the branch email address, the number ofcharacters in the email address as “Length of Email Address” andthe number of characters preceding the @ as “Characters Precedingthe @” Order the result by email length descending.

BR_EMAIL                 Length of Email Address Characters Preceding the @

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