Question 1 Start Pyspark Paragraph Marker Zeppelin Able Execute Sql Code Without Python La Q37270790

Question 1

If you start with the %pyspark paragraph marker in Zeppelin, youwill be able to execute SQL code without Python or otherlanguages.

1) True2) False

Question 2

SparkSession makes a connection to the Hadoop cluster, whileSparkContext is used to manipute data once that connection ismade.

1) True2) False


Logistic Regression is used to model or predict a categoricalresponse variable (dependent variable).

1) True2) False

Question 4

A single pound sign (#) in markdown normally begins thelevel-one header (the largest font for headers).

1) True2) False

Question 5(3 points)

Apache Spark also supports SQL.

1) True2) False


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