Question 2 Part Execute Program Sequence Includes Instructions Flag Control Group Observe Q37086051

Question 2: In this part, you will execute aprogram sequence that includes instructions from the flag-controlgroup to observe the operations that they perform. Save thesequence of DEBUG commands and their results to a Word documentnamed ASSIGNMENT2. Make sure to use snipping toolsor take screenshots to get information from DOS window and copy thedisplayed information to the document before it scrolls off the topof the screen.

  1. Assemble the following instruction sequence into memorystarting at address CS:100 and then verify loading of theinstructions.
    1. LAHF
    2. MOV BH, AH
    3. AND BH,1FH
    4. AND AH, 0E0H
    5. MOV [200H], BH
    6. SAHF
  2. How many bytes of memory do the instructions take up?_____________

  1. Initialize the

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