Question Comes Text Elementary Information Security 2nd Ed Richard E Smith Isbn978 1 28405 Q37068936

This question comes from the text Elementary InformationSecurity 2nd ED by Richard E Smith; ISBN978-1-2840559-3-1

Chapter 15 Exercise 7

Firewall A is an enterprise firewall with session filtering (asdescribed in section 15.4.2). Firewall B has no features exceptnetwork address translation and packet filtering.

a. Can both firewalls block inbound connections? Why or whynot?

b. Can both firewalls block outbound connections? Why or whynot?

c. Can both firewalls allow inbound connections? Why or whynot?

d. Can both firewalls allow outbound connections? Why or whynot?


a. Can both firewalls block inbound connections? Why or whynot?

Only packet filtering block the inbound connections,because packet filtering has a basic feature


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