Rectangularprism Length Double Width Double Height Double Rectangularprism Rectangularpris Q37114874


– length: double
– width: double
– height: double

+ RectangularPrism()
+ RectangularPrism(l:double,w:double, h:double)

+ setLength(l:double):void
+ setWidth(w:double):void
+ setHeight(h:double):void



  1. Create a RectangularPrism class in its own file based on theUML
  2. Create a separate RectangularPrismDemo Class file todemonstrate your class by doing the following:
    1. Create two prisms, one with each constructor
    2. Test each of your set and get methods
    3. Print out the information for both of your Prisms, usingprintf()
  3. Please be sure to include all requested methods with javadocdocumentation for each method.

I am a little lost on how to start here, every time I try, Iseem to be running into errors that I can’t find the solution to


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