Repeat Problem 2 Hw1 Using Structure Array Function Script Matlab Code Calculating Ideal G Q37033442

  1. Repeat Problem 2 from HW1 (below) using a structure array in thefunction and script in Matlab code:

    Calculating the ideal gas heat capacity of a real gas is aroutine calculation in many Chemical Engineering computations.Although we would love for the heat capacity (Cp) to be constantover the temperature range of interest (would make manycomputations much easier), no species behaves this way. The mostcommon approximation of the ideal gas heat capacity is to use apolynomial of the form:

    CIG =A+BT +CT2 +DT3p

    Write a function called Cp_IG.m which takes a temperature inKelvin (T), and the constantsA, B, C, and D. Then write a scriptcalled


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