Rules Students Academic Standings Student Takes One Course Semester Academic Standing Wou Q37103038

Below are the rules for students’ academic standings: i. If astudent takes more than one course in a semester, his/her academicstanding would be ‘Probation’ if none of them passed, ‘Referral’ if50% or less of the taken courses are passed, and ‘Good’ otherwise.ii. If a student takes only one course in a semester, he/she willreceive ‘Good’ if he/she passes it, and ‘Referral’ if he/she failsit. Define SQL view Q11(unswid,name,academic_standing), which givesthe unswid, name and academic standing of students with the unswidbeginning with ‘313’ in 2011 S1. The view should return thefollowing details about each student: • unswid should be taken fromPeople.unswid


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