S Python Selenium Question Don T Understand Infotitles Others List Duplicated Stands One Q37197319

It’s a python selenium question. I don’t understand why myinfo_titles and others list are duplicated all over and over again.It should only stands one for each and goto the next page and dothe same things. I was scrapeing the first two pages of this web,and trying to find the common sense. Can anyone help me toidentifity which lines of code have issues? Thanks in advance.


import pprint
import requests
import time
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException

driver =webdriver.Chrome(‘C:Users39411Desktopscrape_chineseinsfchromedriver’)

main_links = []
info_titles = []
info_contacts = []
info_emails = []
info_phones = []
links = []

row = [‘Title’, ‘Contact’, ‘E-mail’, ‘Phone’]

with open(‘chineseinsfbay.csv’, ‘a’, encoding=’utf-8′,newline=”) as


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