Section 3 Pivot Table 20 Points 31 Write Program Creates Pivot Table Similar Following Scr Q37162263

Edit Attachments Section 3: Pivot Table (20 points): 3.1 Write a program that creates a pivot table that is similar to the foSection 3: Pivot Table (20points):

3.1 Write a program that creates a pivot table that is similarto the following screenshot (The values in this pivot table are theaverage price and review length)[Pivot%20Table.PNG](attachment:Pivot%20Table.PNG)

3.2 (a) Which two brands have highest prices and which twobrands have longest reviews? (b) If your manager ask you to make aconclusion based on this analysis, what would be your conclusion-Iam interested in how you make conclusion based on this simpleanalysis.

3.3 Create a


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