Security Features Privacy Integrity Protection Repudiability Non Repudiability Source Auth Q37080699

Which security features (privacy, integrity protection,repudiability, non-repudiability, source authentication) would bedesired, and which ones would definitely not be used, in thefollowing cases: (8 points)

• submitting an expense report

• inviting a friend to lunch

• selling illegal pornography over the network

• running an (illegal) gambling operation on the network

• sending a mission description to the Mission Impossibleteam

• sending a purchase order • sending a tip to the IRS to audit aneighbor you don’t like but are afraid of

• sending a love letter

• sending an (unwanted) obscene note

• sending a blackmail letter

• sending a ransom note

• sending a resume to a headhunter

Answer Table.




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