Someone Help Question Must C Please Read Answering Write Program Used Small Theater Sell Q37199249

Cansomeone help me with this question? MUST BE IN C++.PLEASE READ ALL BEFORE ANSWERING.

Write a program that can be used by a small theater to selltickets for performances. The theater’s auditorium has 15 rows,with 30 seats in each row. The program should display a screen thatshows which seats are available and which are taken. TheaterSeating chart example page 462.The program should ask for the ticket type (Thursday Night -8pm, Friday Night – 8pm, Saturday Night – 8pm, Saturday Matinee -3pm, and Sunday Matinee – 3pm). Ticket Prices – ThursdayNight/Saturday Matinee/Sunday Matinee ($20.00); FridayNight/Saturday Night ($40.00).Tasks to perform:• The user may


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