Sudoku Popular Logic Puzzle Uses 9 9 Array Squares Organized 3 3 Subarrays Puzzle Solver M Q37265517

Sudoku is a popular logic puzzle that uses a 9 by 9 array ofsquares that are organized into 3 by 3 subarrays. The puzzle solvermust fill in the squares with the digits 1 to 9 such that no digitis repeated in any row, any column, or any of the nine 3 by 3subgroups of squares. Initially, some squares are filled in alreadyand cannot be changed. For example, the following might be astarting configuration for a sudoku puzzle:

Create a class SudokuPuzzle that has the attributes

  • board—a 9 by 9 array of integers that represents the currentstate of the puzzle, where zero indicates

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