Task 6 15 Points Class B C X 1 2 1 X 2 1 2 X 3 2 2 X 1 3 3 X 1 2 2 Y 2 1 1 Y 3 1 1 Y 2 2 2 Q37214273

Task 6

15 points

  Class    A    B    C  X121X212X322X133X122Y211Y311Y222Y331Y211

We want to build a decision tree that determines whether a certainpattern is of type X or type Y. The decision tree can only usetests that are based on attributes A, B, and C. Each attribute has3 possible values: 1, 2, 3 (we do not apply any thresholding). Wehave the 10 training examples, shown on the table (each rowcorresponds to a training example).

What is the information gain of each attribute at the root?Which attribute achieves the highest information gain at theroot?


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