Thank you so much for the help! This is a Computerarchitecture assignment: Problem 2 needs to be done in computerassembly language.
For this problem, the initial memory values for addresses 0x8000to 0x800f (in left-to-right order) are:
0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 120, -3, 0xa7, 33, 1, 0xff, -36, 17, 0, 0x7f
Assuming that the first 10 bytes in this address rangecorrespond to:
- two char variables,
- a short variable,
- an int variable, and
- another short variable
in left to right order, respectively, what are the initialdecimal values for each of these five variables:
- if the processor uses