Ubuntu Linux Write Bash Script Execute Following 1 Clears Screen 2 Asks User Enter Name 3 Q37063332

Ubuntu Linux

Write a bash script to execute the following;
1- Clears the screen
2- Asks the user to enter his/her name
3- Greets the user
4- Creates a new directory (folder) and give it a name equal to thename of the user, if the directory does not exist
5- Create inside the previous directory two new directories:“Downloads” and “Backups”
6- Download “ubuntu_16.04.pdf” file from the following link andsave it in “Downloads” directory:
7- Display the following menu and ask the user to enter the numberof the option he/she wants to execute:
1. Compress file
2. Rename file
3. Backup files
4. Exit
Please, enter the number of your choice!
8- Based on the


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