For Unix in a C/C++ Environment
Client.c and conServThread.c are provided
Task1. Modify Client.c program to accept two arguments (IPaddress and port number of the concurrent Server with thread -conServThread.c).
Task2. Similarly, modify the Server (conServThread.c) program toaccept an argument which is the port number of the server to bindand listen to.
Task3. Try these two updated programs (server and client) with aport (which is available).
** For example, to find a port (between 30000 and 30999) whichis available, with netstat command.
netstat -aont | grep “`hostnname-i`:30[0-9][0-9][0-9] “
Note: the back-tick (backward singlequotation mark to run the command on the run).
Also note for a program containing