For Unix in a C/C++ environment
echoServer and echoClient are provided below
In this lab, we will modifiy echoServer.c and echoClient.cprograms (for the server’s port# not fixed).
(1) Modify echoServer.c program to take one argument (a portnumber) to be used for its listening port when it starts.
(2) Modify echoClient.c program to take two arguments (server’sIP address and Port number) to be used for its connection.
(3) Find a port free for the server using netstat (see Week12Activity)
** For example, to find a port (between30000 and 30999) which is not available, with netstat command.
netstat -aont | grep “`hostnname-i`:30[0-9][0-9][0-9] “
Note: the back-tick (backwardsingle quotation mark