Use Binary Tree Structure Implement Interview Node Must Include Question Depend Yes True F Q37184336

Use a binary tree structure to implement the interview. Eachnode must include a question and depend on a YES/NO or TRUE/FALSEanswer navigate to either the right or left branch of the tree toask the next question.

Questions are as follows:

Is your blood type O?

Is your RH factor positive?

Is your marital status single?

Alcohol use?

Tobacco use?


drug use?


Below is the binary tree representation of series of interviewquestion, where based on whether the answer is “yes” or “no”, thenext question is asked.

Is Youst blood bype O Yes No is Joun RH Sactos osidive es Single Nlo yes use? /No es To accc Ose? yes No es df case Yes Nb



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