Use C Loop Could Start Started D Great Unless Im Completely Wrong Im Looking Understand Ge Q37272087

use c++ only and while-loop

if you could start it how i started it it’d be great!! (unlessim completely wrong but im looking to understand it not just getthe answer)

2. (while loop) Enter a group of scores with -1 at the end: 88 55 77 99 22144 -1 Average xx.xx Maximum -99 Minimum = 1

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()

       int min=0,max=0, sum=0, score;
   double avg;
       cout << fixed<< setprecision(2);
cout << ” Enter a group of scores with -1 at the end:”;
  cin >> score;

2. (while loop) Enter a group of scores with -1 at the end: 88 55


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