Use any Linux utilities to create the following csv files:
Purchase Report –showing the total purchases by gender andstate. The state abbreviation and gender to be in uppercase. Youshould have this title on the report “Purchase Summary Report”. Youshould also have column headers for each column. (State, Gender,Purchase Amount) The report should be sorted by total number ofpurchases in descending order, then by state, and finally bygender. purchase-rpt should be the name for the file containingthis report.
Example file: State Gender Purchase amount
TX F 37.95
TX M 269.28
AL F 56.15
OH F 38.79
CA M 14.73
CA M 381.95
Output wanted:
Purchase Summary Report
State Gender Purchase Amount
TX F 33734.5
CA F 25678.21
TX M 15624.2
FL M 13678.45