Use Logisim Design Following Circuit Controlled 4 Bit Comparator Design 4 Bit Comparator B Q37153450

Use Logisim to design the following circuit. Controlled 4 bitComparator Design a 4 bit comparator based on the followingspecifications: Inputs: Two 4 bit numbers A = A3A2A1A0 and B =B3B2B1B0 1 bit control C where: If C = 0, then A and B are unsignedbinary numbers. If C = 1, then A and B are 2’s complement signednumbers. Outputs: There are 3 outputs for this circuit. Aftercomparing A and B, the circuit will set the correct output to 1.Requirements: – You are limited to using basic gates (i.e. AND, OR,NOT, XOR). You are not allowed to use Logisim’s built-in circuits(i.e.


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