Use Logisim Design Following Circuit Controlled 4 Bit Comparator Design 4 Bit Comparator B Q37277651

Use Logisim to design the following circuit.

Controlled 4 bit Comparator

Design a 4 bit comparator based on the followingspecifications:

Inputs:                  Two 4 bit numbers A =A3A2A1A0and B =B3B2B1B0

1 bit control C where:

If C = 0, then A andB are unsigned binary numbers.

If C = 1, then A andB are 2’s complement signed numbers.


There are 3 outputs for this circuit. After comparingA and B, the circuit will set thecorrect output to 1.


You are limited to using basic gates (i.e. AND, OR, NOT, XOR).You are not allowed to use Logisim’s built-in circuits (i.e.multiplexer, encoder, inverter, etc.).   You may however,use the basic gates to build your


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