Use the MARS simulator to write and execute MIPS assembly codewith using only :(NO pseudoinstrucions)
# add – arithmetic add
# sub – arithmeticsubtract
# and – bitwise and
# or – bitwise or
# slt – set on less than
# nor – bitwise nor
# addi – add with immediatedata
#Example Exercise:
# Initial Variable Values: A = 50; B = 100;C = 150;
# Assignment statement to perform: C = A + B -C;
addi $16, $0, 50 #A = 50;
addi $17, $0, 100 #B = 100;
addi $18, $0, 150 #C = 150;
add $13, $16, $17 #Temp = A + B;
sub $18, $13, $18 #C = A +