Use Matlab Answer Question Offer Matlab Code Q37124964

Use Matlab to answer the question.You should offer theMatlab code

4. (14%) Design a highpass FIR filter to satisfy the specifications: ws-0.3T, As-50dB w,-0.5T, and A,-0.00 118. (a) (7%) Use

Magnitude Response (dB) Impulse Response 0 0.3 0.2 0 -0.1 -100 0 0.2t 0.4x 0.6x0.8m π 0 8 Zoom of Magnitude Response (dB) 0 0

4. (14%) Design a highpass FIR filter to satisfy the specifications: ws-0.3T, As-50dB w,-0.5T, and A,-0.00 118. (a) (7%) Use the Kaiser window to obtain a minimun length linear-phase filter. Provide a plot similar to Figure 10.12 (b) (7%) Repeat (a) using


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