Use Rstudio to create a script by following the instructionbelow.
I’ve created the first question code but I can not continue itfurther. Thank you.
## Write a function called `make_introduction` that takes in twoarguments: name, and age.
## This function should return a string value that says somethinglike “Hello, my name is {name}, and I’m
## {age} years old”.
make_introduction <- function(name, age){
print(paste(“Hello, my name is”, name, “and I’m”, age, “yearsold”))
## Create a variable `my_intro` by passing your variables`my_name` and `my_age` into your `make_introduction`
## function. Always print the result!
## Create a variable `casual_intro` by substituting “Hello, myname is “, with “Hey, I’m” in your `my_intro`