Use Sb Temperature Data Read Either Fgetl Fscanf Textscan Plot Waterfall Temperature Data Q37081678

use SB temperature data read by either fgetl, fscanf or textscanand plot with waterfall, the temperature data should be resaved inmatrix.

modify the waterfall plot to 50% transparency by setting“FaceAlpha”=0.5

modify the line width to 2 and add axes label and title.

add axes tick label with month info

add text to show each temperature info by using figure toolbox

You can customize the graph more!(change font size, add marker,change colormap, etc… )

The contents of the file is:

ave.temp// ave.high temp// ave.low temp// highest rec temp//lowest rec temp

Jan 31.60 38.60 24.60 69.00 -4.00

Feb 31.70 39.20 24.30 69.00 -11.00

Mar 39.00 47.10 31.10 83.00 7.00

Apr 48.90 58.20 39.70


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