Use Search Engine Search Current Virus Worm Trojan Horse Threats Sort Filter Results Possi Q37299210

Use a search engine to search for CURRENT virus,worm, and Trojan horse threats. Sort or filter yourresults, if possible, to search for the most recent articles orblog posts. And, no, a threat from between 2001 and 2016 is notcurrent.

1. Make a list of 5 current viruses, worms, andTrojan horses. (See definition of “current” above.)

2. Create a list that contains the following information foreach threat:

a. Name

b. Risk level

c. Description

d. Date discovered

e. Source of information

3. If possible, check your virus protection software or app toensure you are protected from these threats. =)


(1) Name: Yatron Ransomware

Risk level: Tries to delete encrypted


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