Using C Programing Complete Missing Code Look Underscores Int Function Definition Takes Ar Q37132694

Using C programing

Complete the missing code (look for underscores) int thefunction definition below that takes and array, a search term, apointer to an integer and an integer for the size of the arrayparameter. The function returns true if the search term is foundand false if it is not. Copy the entire function with your answersin the text box provided. I suggest copy and pasting then replacingthe underscores with your answers.

bool sequentialSearch(char arryIn[], char srchTerm, ____ptr2Idx, int sz)


int i = 0;

for(; ____ < sz; i++)


if(srchTerm == ______)


*ptr2Idx = i;

return ____;

}//end if

}//end loop

return ____;

}//end function


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool sequentialSearch(char arryIn[],char srchTerm,int


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