Using Modified Shepp Logan Phantom O Dimensions 512 512 Produces Sinogram Phantom Implemen Q37263460

Using the modified Shepp-Logan phantom o(with dimensions512×512),and produces a sinogram of the phantom. I

  1. Implement backprojection (BP) and filtered-backprojection (FBP)re- constructors which read in the sinogram and produce areconstructed image. I

  2. How do different numbers of projection angles affect the FBPrecon- struction? What if the acquisition covers less than 180◦?Add a small low-contrast target to the phantom.

  3. Add Poisson noise to the projections. You may have to scale thesinogram first to model an appropriate exposure time. Test severalcount levels. The target and background structure should be neithercompletely obscured nor too obvious. Include a figure comparingsome of the noisy sinograms.

  4. Reconstruct the noisy sinograms


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