Using Python3 Find Mean Standard Deviation Smaller Dataset 600 Entries Large Dataset 3000 Q37020060

Using Python3,

How can I find the mean and standard deviation of a smallerdataset of 600 entries from the large dataset of 3000 entries? I amtrying to divide this large dataset of 3000 entries into smallergroups of 600 and calculate the mean and std dv of “all packets”for each small group. My data is saved to excel and looks somethinglike this:

The left “Interval start”, refers to the seconds since datarecording started

Right “All packets” refers to packets sent at particularsecond

AutoSum Recently Financial Logica Text Dat Insert Function Used F2 Interval start All packets 0 17 16 4 0 14 13 14 0 10 12 13s



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