Using SQL, create tables according to the given schema shown inFigure 1. Note that this section is exactly the same as the one inAssignment 4. You can use your Assignment 4 directly, or modifyyour Assignment 4 (if needed). The type of each attribute isdefined in Figure 2. Note that it is case-sensitive.
Branch (name, address)
Customer (ssn, fname, lname, phone, address, fv_branch) foreignkey (fv_branch) references Branch (name)
Account (acc_no, balance, open_date, atype)
Owns( ssn, acc_no, own_date) foreign key (ssn) referencesCustomer(ssn), foreign key (acc_no) references Account (acc_no)
Loan( loan_no, amount, ltype)
Payment ( loan_no, payment_no, amount, method, status, due_date)foreign key(loan_no) references Loan(loan_no)
Borrows(ssn, loan_no) foreign key (ssn) referencesCustomer(ssn),