Want 3 Axis Label Want Title Plot Use Theta Symbol Import Matplotlibpyplot Plt Import Nump Q37018750

# i want all 3 of my axis to have a label
# i want the title of my plot to use a theta symbol

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

a = np.linspace(50,200,50)
b = np.linspace(500,2000,50)
c = np.linspace(5,20,50)
for i in c:

plt.title(“title theta”) # i want the theta symbol
plt.ylabel = (“y axis”) #these 3 axis need to display a label
plt.xlabel = (“x axis”) # for some reason this doesnt work
plt.zlabel = (“z axis”)




Note: Brother in case of any queries, just comment inbox I would be very happy to assist all your queries

Note: Brother sometimes while uploading on


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