canyou do it in 5 min pleaseWhnt does the following Python code print class ShapeCobject) def -eq..(s1, s2): return s1.area) 2.area() def, 2) return s1.area) s2.area class Rectangle(Shape): def -init..(self,b,h): self.base int (b) self.height int Ch) return self.base self.height return ‘Rectangle with base and heightstr(self.base) str(self.height def area (self): def _.str..(self): class Triangle(Shape): def ..init..(self, b,h): self.base int(b) self.height int (h) def area (self): return 1/2 self.base self.height def ..str..(self): return ‘Triangle vith base and height str(self.base) str(self.height)